How to Manage Relationships in FTM 2019?

This provides users with an intuitive way to manage relationships within a family tree using the “Manage Relationships” tool. This tool lets you filter and adjust the relationships between persons, based on different relationship types-whether biological or adopted-spouse, or partner-between two persons. In this manner, it makes sure your genealogical data is accurate and complete.

How to Handle Relationship in Family Tree Maker 2019

With simple steps you can easily handle relationships in Family Tree Maker 2019. The steps are as:

1. Open the Manage Relationships Tool

Open the Edit menu and select Manage Relationships from your Family Tree Maker program. It is always pertinent to maintain a back-up of your tree file once prompted before making major changes to avoid loss of data.

2. Apply Filter by Relationship Type

In the window “Manage Relationships”, apply the filter “Show relationships” to search for a particular kind of relationship-for example “Unknown” for couples or “Adopted” for children. This will help highlight the types of relationships that need to be edited.

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3. Select and Edit Relations

The outcome will be a list of relationship instances fitting your criteria. You will have the option to select one or more relationships to edit. Alternatively, you may use the feature “Select all” to edit several at a time. This feature will make it easier for you to edit a large family tree.

4. Modify the Relationship Type

Change the relationship type using the dropdown list. This might be nothing more than selecting “Spouse” instead of “Partner”, for example. Once you select the new type, click “Apply”. Depending on the number of changes, this may take a few minutes, and a progress bar will show the status.

5. Final Review and Save

When you have applied all the changes you need, the modified relationships will disappear from the list, which would prove that they indeed had changed. You may then see the result of the modifications in the graph by reapplying the correct filter. Once you are satisfied with the results of the modifications, click “Close”.

Bottom Lines

Relationships in Family Tree Maker 2019 can be well managed through a very convenient yet powerful tool for genealogists. It does this by properly reflecting the kind of relationship existing between every individual, thereby clarifying and making your family history more complete. Whether one is updating the type of relationship or correcting mistakes, this tool helps in simplifying the way of doing things by making data management easy and efficient.

Also Read: Family Tree Maker for Multiple Computers

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