

Fix Missing Media and Corrupt Files in FTM 2019

Fix Missing Media and Corrupt Files in FTM 2019

Family Tree Maker 2019 is a potent family history preserver, but missing media and corrupted files can ruin your experience. This tutorial will teach you how to identify, correct, and best prevent missing media and corrupt file issues. Steps to…

Creating a New Tree on FamilySearch

Creating a new family tree on FamilySearch is a straightforward process that allows you to document and explore your family history. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a new tree on FamilySearch and start your journey into genealogy.…

How to Create a TreeVault Account?

How to Create a TreeVault Account?

An account on TreeVault lets you securely save and back up your family tree using TreeVault Cloud Services. Here’s a fast easy-to-follow how-to to get you started with TreeVault, whether new to genealogy or in search of reliable backup options.…

How to Fix the Orange Sync Weather Issue?

Orange Sync Weather Issue

The Orange Sync Weather status in Family Tree Maker means some sync issues exist between your FTM and Ancestry. Syncing is allowed but with a high likelihood of connectivity issues or connection drops at any time. Orange color sync weather…

Family Tree Maker 2019 Upgrade

Family Tree Maker 2019 Upgrade

Family Tree Maker 2019 (FTM 2019) is a product of the Software MacKiev, which offers numerous features to make the research process more refined and complete. FTM 2019 is designed to give both experienced genealogists and beginners an easy yet…

How to Delete Ancestry Account?

how to delete ancestry account

If you are so done with Ancestry either due to lack of data availability or you simply have a change of heart, you may cancel your subscription or delete the account completely. Below is a very concise summary of the…

How to Delete a Family Tree on Ancestry?

How to Delete a Family Tree on Ancestry

Sometimes, you need to delete family trees on if you no longer require them. Either you are deleting your tree or someone shared the tree with you, responsible deletion follows proper procedures in ensuring the deletion process goes smoothly.…

How To Create A Treevault Antenna Tree?

how to create a TreeVault Antenna Tree

TreeVault Antenna Tree is a Family Tree Maker feature that enables you to upload a totally safe and secure and exact duplicate of your family tree to the TreeVault cloud. Using Windows or the Mac method is simple and, therefore,…

Family Tree Maker Not Connecting to Internet

Family Tree Maker Not Connecting to Internet

Family Book Creator is a dedicated add-on, specifically designed to work together with Family Tree Maker 2019. It converts the whole of your genealogical study into professionally styled books so you can share them with your relatives in a tangible…